Sunday, January 29, 2012

Split End Treatments!

I found this lovely website off pinterest, my favorite website... and I have a huge issue with split ends, like every other girl in the world.... so I thought I'd share my favorite tips that i found to fix them.

1. "One home hair treatment for split ends is a simple egg shampoo. For this treatment, all you need is an ounce of rosemary, preferably fresh, a pint of hot water, and one egg. What you want to do is steep your rosemary in the hot water for about 20 minutes, then let it cool. Once it’s cooled down, beat your egg into it, then massage the mix into your hair and rinse, just as you would with a regular shampoo."

2. "Castor oil is extremely helpful in a number of ways, but when you use it in a home hair treatment for split ends, at least you don’t have to drink the vile stuff! Rather, just mix an equal amount of castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil – again, the amount you mix depends on the length and thickness of your hair. All you have to do is apply the mix into your hair, then wrap it up in a towel and let it set for thirty minutes. You definitely want to shampoo when you wash it out!

3. "If you eat a lot of avocado, you may have noticed that your hair and skin gets extremely soft. The oil in avocado makes it an ideal hair and skin treatment – but right now, we’re focusing on the former! All you have to do is mash up an avocado and, after getting your hair a bit damp, massage the fruit into your hair. Make sure you get your split ends coated. Let it set for anywhere between 15 minutes and half an hour, then rinse it out. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil for some extra sheen, if you like."

4. "Last but most definitely not least, olive oil makes an effective home hair treatment for split ends all by itself! All you do is warm enough olive oil to cover your hair, then massage it into those pretty but dry tresses. Wrap your hair in a towel or cover it with a shower cap, and find something to do for half an hour – then shampoo!"

THIS website is extremely helpful with hair and tips and tricks. . but these ones were my fave.. so check it out :)


Ashley Marx said...

oooo i love!! thank you thank you for posting this! split ends are my worst enemy haha

Mitch and Tayler Myers said...

you are freakin cute

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