Thursday, March 24, 2011


LOOK at this kitty! it's a pikachu kitty. hahahah so cute.

Hello all 17 followers. I love you all. I have nothing to blog about, except for things that I'm excited about.

1. My family coming in town tomorrow. Cody has a sore throat, and he stayed home from school today (thursday), but he assured my Mom that he'll be well enough to still go to utah tomorrow (friday). hah how cute is that?

2. We, my mom, little brother & friends are going to HARE KRISHNA! I'm STOKED. It's the coolest/funnest/craziest time in the year and its a once in a lifetime thing to experience.

3. I'll see my wittle niece and nephew this weekend. & my sister aubree and her super rad hubby andrew. I love my fam.

4. One month till I move back to Vegas. I'll be sad to move away from family, but we come up so much I'm not too worried. I'll see em.

5. I'm single. feelin good. feel limitless, I saw that movie---so good! after I saw it I wanted to conquer the world.

6. I wish I could make cakes like Cake Boss and Ace of Cakes.

7. I have this secret dream to open a sweets store with my mom in Vegas! Maybe its not secret, but its a dream of mine. :)

8. Life rocks. so do my friends!

Love you times infinity. xoxo, christy

Monday, March 14, 2011

Heber/Family vakay!!

I forgot, I totally have something to blog about! My fam took a vacation to Heber for prez day weekend. it was a freaking blast!!!

So this cabin is my dad's friends, we just kind of borrowed it for the weekend, it was equipped with pool tables, ping pong tables, air hockey, foozball, like 9 rooms, and like 12 snowmobiles. Those things are sccccurrrry. I kind of imagined them like jet skis, I'm so wrong, those things get stuck, they're the hardest to turn, and gosh they're just too intense for me. I'll stick to my jetskiing.

My cousins are seriously my sisters, and my guy cousin adam, is like my brother. We're all so close. I just love them, so freaking much!!! They're so fun. I loved this weekend. I wish it didn't end. :(

Presidents day was good to me. They are the only things I'll miss about utah, just being closer to my family... <3 much love guys if you're reading, esp ashlee and hollie and allie and sammy and reggy :) I'm comin to see y'all soon!!!


I haven't blogged in forever. I guess I haven't had much to blog about. I wish I had some pix. I broke my super cool unbreakable, waterproof, christyproof camera. Somehow I broke it. fml. I know. so I'm pictureless. I'm at work. Lots of changes are going to happen. I cant wait to move back to vegas in april.

Sometimes I do that, look forward to things so much that I forget to enjoy the moment and the things I'm doing now. It's annoying, don't do it.

This last weekend was a blast. Carly (mitch's sister) and Randi Dunn came and stayed with us before they moved to San Diego. It's always a party when they're here. They are hilarious. So we went to LaJolla Groves, and Happy Sumo, lots of movies, and even made a hilarious/embarassing movie. It happens.

Then Saturday my Mom came to town with Tayler's mom, Jackie and Brandon were moving so she came to help, and Tayler's Mom came to look at wedding dresses for Tayler. So I had a sleepover with my mommy, and we went to Olive Garden where we laughed and had a good time, then we went to the Cocoa Bean and bought 6 cupcakes for just us. It happens. The bestest one is their german chocolate cupcake. It's a beautiful masterpiece! I recommend it!

There's nothing like my Mom, she's the best mom ever. Even saying that, it's not enough. She's kind, honest, loving, understanding, funny, scared of spiders, easy to scare, beautiful and just overall wonderful!!!! She's the kindest person I know, seriously, I wish I got that gene from her, but I didn't. haha.

This weekend is spring break. I have no plans. That's how cool I am. I'm honestly looking forward to just relaxing. I'll probably go to my sister Aubree's house, and hang out with my super cool brother-in-law and niece and nephew. :)

& do laundry :) Oh the life of a college student

Dear friends,
stop getting engaged. I swear it's the summer of weddings. Okay, it's kind of exciting :) Especially when your best friend is so happy & getting married. Shoutout to Tayler Anne Stratton, soon to be Tayler Anne Myers, blog woman, blog!!
love, me

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