Thursday, December 16, 2010

jingle jangle.

Tomorrow something great happens. I'm heading home. for 15 days. fifteen! Haleluliah! I'm blessed to be able to miss 15 days of work. I'm blessed to work with great people, funny, smart, clever people. Work rocks. But I've missed my family way too much. I feel like I haven't seen them in months. Talking to my mom, dad, and little brother everyday just isn't enough.

I'm coming up with new years resolutions like everyone else. I told Tayler today I want to start playing the violin again. My Mom will looove that one. But I love it more. I have more resolutions but I'm coming up with new ones daily.

I can't believe its going to be 2011. Freak. that's insane.

anyways. I'll be in Vegas in like 24 hours. I'm a little excited. :)

1 comment:

ash said...

We will miss having you at all the parties up here! Hope you guys all have a very merry christmas. See ya when you get back.

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